AOTA signs CCD letter supporting LGBTQI+ Individuals

Reported November 10, 2023

In July, AOTA joined with our coalition partners from the Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities in singing a letter to stand in solidarity with the transgender community and the broader LGBTQI+ community - to denounce discrimination against LGBTQI+ people, especially those with disabilities.

It states, "The undersigned strongly oppose any regulations or legislation that perpetuates injustices and hinders the full integration, acceptance, and inclusion of LGBTQI+ individuals, including those with disabilities, in all aspects of society. We commit to advocating on behalf of LGBTQI+ members of the disability community. We urge policymakers at all levels to reject these bills and, instead, enact comprehensive measures that ban discrimination and promote equality, non-discrimination, and accessibility for all."

Read the full text of the letter and view the additional supporting organizations using the button below

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