OT in Higher Ed

The post-professional occupational therapy doctorate

Current occupational therapy practitioners (OTPs) who are considering returning to the academic setting to pursue a post-professional occupational therapy doctorate (PP-OTD) may be driven by a variety of goals. For those who have a desire to enter academia and for those currently teaching in graduate level OT programs without a doctoral degree, the decision is clearer. The 2023 Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE®) Standards (effective July 31, 2025) outline requirements of a doctoral degree for all full time faculty (OTPs) teaching in entry-level doctoral programs and for a majority of full time faculty that are OTPs teaching in master’s programs (ACOTE®, 2023). For those unsure about their long-term professional goals, the question, “Should I, or shouldn’t I?” can feel daunting. Opportunity cost, financial considerations, online program expectations, mental health challenges, post-degree outcomes, and perceived benefits are all factors we identified when considering returning to school while continuing to work full-time in our practice settings.

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